20 March 2018

How to Receive a Paper Back from your Professor

How to Receive a Paper Back from Assessment
One of the most important and, alas, overlooked aspects of learning in college is the appropriate receipt of a written assignment that the instructor has graded, commented upon, and returned to the writer.  Sometimes, a student will immediately open to the last page, check first their grade, giving less attention to the marks, comments, and questions the reader has prepared for the author.  Often, the author will never work through the comments, correct the mechanical errors, or follow up the return of the paper with a visit to the reader during office hours. The following is a list of suggestions designed to help writers learn the most from their marked papers.

1)         When first you receive your paper, put it away until you are out of the classroom and in a quiet place; you are about to do serious reading and need to be free of distractions.

2)         Take out a pencil and piece of paper to make your own notes.

3)         Read you title.  Is there one?  Does it reflect your main argument?

4)         Read your first paragraph.  Has the reader questioned your thesis, case for importance, or methodology? Have you properly written the main text’s title?

5)         Check each first sentence of the body paragraphs.  Do they explain how the interpretive idea of the paragraph contributes to the paper’s thesis? 

6)         Is the quotation format correct?  Is it properly cited?  Do you discuss the use of language in each quotation?

7)         Write down questions the author has written in the paper.  Can you provide answers to them?

8)         Be extra sure to write down any corrections of grammar, punctuation, syntax, and usage.  If you do not understand the error, make a note to ask your reader about those, or refer to a good college handbook to correct each error.

9)         Where did your paper shine?  Where did your reader compliment a phrase, idea, or paragraph?  What do you notice about those parts of the paper? How do they differ from other parts?

10)       Read the comments at the end carefully.  Jot down any questions you have about them to bring to the reader during office hours. 

11)       Imagine the paper with all the questions addressed, all the errors corrected.  What would that paper look like? sound like?  Believe that you are able to construct this paper!

12)       Commit yourself to addressing all issues in the next paper.  Be sure you do not repeat errors! Nobody expects your papers to be perfect, but your reader and you expect each paper to improve upon the weaknesses and strengths of the earlier papers.

13)       Review your notes on this process and the reader’s comments on this paper before submitting your next paper.

29 January 2018

History & Mystery!

History & Mystery:  Reading and Experiencing English & Scottish Literature
Connecting the dots: literature and location.  A big part of our course is not just to teach literature, but to demonstrate and engage students in the phenomenon of literature’s connection to—dare we say it?—the real world.  Great books do not just materialize from the ether; they don’t magically appear during a semester’s syllabus and then vanish into thin air once the course is done. Books are written BY real people FOR other real people to—dare we say it?—enjoy.  To be sure, not all books are fun and games, but then again not all enjoyment is gotten from fun and games.  Serious books engage people in different, deeper ways; this engagement is perhaps a superior (or at least more long-lasting) species of enjoyment than, say, eating ice cream.
In our class we will try to do several things.
First we want to examine the connection between literature and location.  Shakespeare would not have had his plays performed had it not been the London of that time.  And where would Doyle and Stevenson be without Edinburgh as a home base OR London as a subject?
But we also want to teach this literature as a reactive activity, as a part of a larger tradition.  As a case in point, J.R.R. Tolkien, an Oxford professor whose specialty was Anglo-Saxon, clearly drew much of his creative output (LOTR, et al.) from Beowulf, a poem we have from a single, undated and damaged manuscript.  And in turn, J.K. Rowling leaned heavily on Tolkien’s creative work to populate and characterize her Harry Potter opus (invisibility ring/robe, sagacious Gandalf/Dumbledore, one small person with an incredibly world-heavy responsibility, dragons, temptation of power, Dark Lord/Sauron, and on and on). 
Based on our belief that students learn best when they do the teaching, we add to this class a “student-led” component to this faculty-led course.  All students will conceive, research, develop, and orchestrate one or two on-site tours during our trip.  For example, one group of students may want to bring the class to places in Oxford that were used in the Harry Potter films (the library was the Oxford Bodleian; Christ Church was the dining hall, etc.)  To do this, the students might research film records, get permission to visit restricted places or perhaps contact a professional tour, show the class pictures and sound bites ahead of time, and maybe even invent some games (first student to find Blackwell Book Store gets a prize, e.g.).  We’ve listed below a very few options; there are many more, and in fact we encourage you to create your own tours (always keeping them relevant to the reading list, mind).  We would like to see each student part of at least two tours and to work with different teams.
In conjunction with the student tours, we’d also like students to take turns presiding at Open Readings, that is, to read a passage or two aloud to the group when we are at the appropriate location.  E.G. a chapter of The Hobbit at the Child & Eagle pub; a speech from Hamlet outside the Globe, a paragraph of A Study in Scarlet on Baker Street, or a Burns lyric on our hike in the Highlands.

Beowulf (Oxford)
Hobbit (Oxford)
Sorcerer’s Stone (Oxford/Edinburgh)
Study in Scarlet (London/Edinburgh)
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (London/Edinburgh)
Robert Burns (Edinburgh)
Hamlet (London)
As You Like It (London)
Student led tours –
Oxford:  Eagle & Child, Hogwarts Dining Hall, Ashmolean Museum, Bodleian Library, Merton College,  2 or 3.
London: Locations in Stevenson, Doyle, Warner Brothers Studio Tour, St. Paul’s, Westminster Abbey, Globe and Southwark, 3 or 4
Edinburgh:  Hiking tours, Rowling’s, Doyle’s, Burns’, Stevenson’s Edinburgh, Camera Obscura, Royal Mile/Castle, Greyfriars Kirk & Greyfriars Bobby, for additional ideas, check out this website - http://edinburgh.org/101/, 4 or five
Spring semester:
            --get familiar with the literature
            --bond as a group
            --prepare for travel
            --determine tours & readings
            --further activities (Lodge?  Fundraising? Etc.) as appropriate.
May 14-27
            --take student tours
            --see plays
            --visit sites as determined in spring
            --do readings
            --journal, journal, journal
May 28-August 1
            Prepare research paper on accepted aspect/subject/topic.

16        T          Introduction.
18        R          Beowulf http://ebeowulf.uky.edu/
23        T          Beowulf
25        R          Beowulf
30        T          Burns (Chavez)
 1         R          Burns (Chavez)
 6         T          Hobbit (http://lotrproject.com/map/#zoom=3&lat=1332&lon=1500&layers=BTTTTT)  
 8         R          Hobbit
13        T          Hobbit
15        R          Harry Potter http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Philosopher%27s_Stone
20        T          Harry Potter
22        R          Harry Potter
27        T          Hamlet http://internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/Library/Texts/Ham/
 1         R          Hamlet
6          T          Hamlet
 8         R          Hamlet
13        T          SPRING BREAK
15        R          SPRING BREAK
22        R          As You Like It
29        R          As You Like It
 3         T          Tour Presentations
 5         R          Tour Presentations
12        R          Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (Chavez)
17        T          Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (Chavez)
19        R          A Study in Scarlet (Chavez) http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/doyle/mormons.html
24        T          A Study in Scarlet (Chavez)
26        R          A Study in Scarlet (Chavez)

 1         T          Reading Presentations
 3         R          Reading Presentations
Grading:  Participation in class discussion of literature:   40%
            Tours & Readings:  20%
            Essay:  40%
Students with special needs must inform the instructor in the first week of classes and he will make all reasonable accommodations.

Office Hours exist to aid students in progressing in the course.  Come see me to discuss the readings, the papers, the class proceedings.  Student who use office hours do better than if they did not; it’s just that simple.  MWF 10-11, 12-1; TR 8:30-9:30, 11-1.  I am not always in my office at these times, so please check with me beforehand.  I am also available by appointment. OM312b.  You may email me or leave a voice mail, but I cannot promise to respond before the next class meeting.  360-438-4336; smead@stmartin.edu

ENG102 Iliad & Sophocles 2018

College Writing II                                                                                ENG102
Spring 2018                                                                                         Professor Mead
ENG102, College Writing II, is designed to move a student from the skills learned in ENG101—thesis building, topic sentences, methodologies, logic and its fallacies, and standard usage—to the deeper skills of welding thesis-building to secondary research.  In other words, now that you have learned, to some degree, to make your own argument, you will now test your arguments against the arguments of others.  To this end, we will read, discuss, and analyze a few important texts (Homer’s The Iliad, and two of Sophocles’ dramas) in order for you to create an interpretive argument about the text that is enhanced by your finding and studying what others have argued about the same text. The key skill here is not so much to find the secondary sources as it is to integrate those sources into your argument.
Remember, secondary sources are not only used to “support” your argument (e.g. “Professor Fred’s article says the same thing that I said, so I must be right.”).  In fact, your original argument wouldn’t be original if it said what others have said.  Secondary sources can be used to set up a context (e.g. “Dr. Smith reminds us that Late Bronze Age Greece was without an alphabet, which explains why Achilles is singing in Book Nine instead of reading.”). To argue against (e.g. “Professor Farcy’s article on Helen’s role in The Iliad misses an important point that can seriously re-orient our reading of the poem.”).  Secondary sources can also be used to situate one’s own opinion within the larger conversation; let’s face it:  these texts have been around for a long time and lots of people have put in their two cents’ worth! (e.g. “The interpretive camps regarding Paris’ character may be divided into the apologists (Worth, Brown, Kelly), the condemners (Parry, Jones) and the symbolists (Franklin. Pierce, Vattier); my argument borrows some of Brown’s regard for Paris, while acknowledging Parry’s incisive reading of Book Four.”).
The best way to read secondary sources is to note 1) what the main argument is; 2) how the author makes the argument; and 3) how you can use the source to support, inform, locate, or challenge your own argument.
This class will be challenging.  You will have to manage your time carefully, read briskly and incisively, and prepare for active class participation.  Unless you have a documented accommodation, you are required to use a print edition of the texts, and to mark up your copies as a sign of active reading.
Required Texts:  Homer. The Iliad. Robert Fagles, trans.  Penguin.
                          Sophocles. The Three Theban Plays. Robert Fagles, trans.  Penguin.
Reading all literature is a matter of going into a foreign country with limited knowledge of the language, customs, and assumptions, but reading early literature is even more so.  The first millennium B.C. in the Eastern Mediterranean was as different a place from twenty-first century Lacey as can be imagined.  Attitudes regrading gender, social constructions, political entities, the divine, war, happiness, and identity were vastly different to the classical Greeks from what they are to us.  Therefore, it is especially important that we take stock of what baggage we are carrying with us as we enter this new world.  While no one can completely eliminate one’s beliefs and prejudices, we must be mindful of how what we bring to the text may in fact distort our reading.  Further, remember that these are literary texts; they are not histories or scholastic studies.  These texts are meant to be enjoyed by their use of plot, characterization, poetry, themes, pace, and insight into the human condition.  Although written for their immediate audiences, these texts have been read, praised, and loved by countless cultures (Western and non-Western), ages, genders, classes, religionists.  You may be confident that there is something here for you.  Find it.
Papers in this class are process-oriented.  This means that you begin the writing process today by reading the texts, taking notes, and beginning to search for secondary sources.  The class meetings and discussions are a crucial part of the writing process, as are notetaking, text-marking, free-writing, drafting, and (most important) revising.  The products of these processes are two thesis-driven essays that make significant use of your secondary sources.  These papers should be roughly ten pages long, exclusive of a Notes page (immediately after the last page of text) and a Works Cites page (immediately after the Notes Page). Pleas submit you papers in the following format:  in a cardboard folder with your name on the outside; with the final draft in the left hand pocket; with at least two earlier drafts that demonstrate the revision process, along with any edit sheets in the right hand pocket. Keep copies of all drafts.  Remember, you must complete all assignments to pass the course. Late papers will be marked down.  Each paper (the final drafts and all earlier drafts) will constitute 40% of your final grade, but because this is a process-writing class, your conscientious reading, notetaking, class discussion, prewriting, and library research will determine much of your final product.

17        W         Introduction. 48 days, 6 weeks and 5 days.
19        F          The Iliad, Book 1 800 B. C.
22        M         The Iliad, Books 2-3
24        W         The Iliad, Books 4-5
26        F          The Iliad, Books 6-7
29        M         The Iliad, Books 8-9
31        W         The Iliad, Book 10-11
 2         F          The Iliad, Books 12-13
 5         M         The Iliad, Books 114-15
 7         W         The Iliad, Books 16-17
 9         F          The Iliad, Books 18-19
12        M         The Iliad, Books 20-21
14        W         The Iliad, Books 22-23
16        F          The Iliad, Book 24
19        M         NO CLASSES President’s Day
21        W         Catch-up
23        F          Thesis Deadline
26        M         Edit Session
28        W         Edit Session
 2         F          Edit Session
 5         M         Iliad Thesis Paper with five secondaries Due. (40%)
 7         W         Antigone 441 B.C.
 9         F          Antigone
12        M         NO CLASSES Spring Break
14        W         NO CLASSES Spring Break
16        F          NO CLASSES Spring Break
19        M         Antigone
21        W         Antigone
23        F          Antigone
26        M         Antigone
28        W         Antigone
30        F          NO CLASSES Good Friday
 2         M         NO CLASSES Easter Monday
 4         W         Oedipus the King 429 B.C.
 6         F          Oedipus the King
 9         M         Oedipus the King
11        W         Oedipus the King
13        F          Oedipus the King
16        M         Oedipus the King
18        W         Conferences.  Research
20        F          Conferences.  Research. Thesis Deadline
23        M         Edit Session
25        W         Edit Session
27        F          Edit Session
30        M         Revision
 2         W         Evaluations.  Speeches. Sophocles Thesis Paper with five secondaries Due.
Dear Students:  Because many studies have demonstrated that we learn more and better by handwriting notes, this class has a no-device policy.  Do not use or put your laptops on the desk.  Phones, tablets, etc. must be in your pockets or bags with the sound turned off. Please obtain a notebook to use exclusively with this class.  I will occasionally peruse your notebook to assist your learning.
Classroom Behavior for the Most Productive Learning:
Arrive before the hour.  Have a notebook, writing instrument,
and text on your desk.
A cup of coffee or a water container is appropriate. A meal is not.
Use the facilities before or after class, not during
(we’ve only 50 minutes).
Keep phones off.
Engage proactively, not reactively. Ask questions. Respond
 to other students.
Act as if you care, even if you don’t.  This is a crucial life-skill.
You have asked to be challenged by deciding to pursue a college degree.  You may not have imagined what those challenges would look like or how much time and energy you will need to put into meeting those challenges.  Please remember that I will always be asking you for your best, asking you to achieve things you have not achieved before, to manage skills you may not have been adept at before.  Why else take a class?  But please understand that behind my expectations, impelling them, is my desire that you benefit deeply from our collegial inquiry, in preparation for profession life.   
The free pursuit of knowledge is your right, as you are a member of this Benedictine community. Therefore, you can expect at college an environment free of harassment, censorship, intimidation, or retaliation.  Please consider me an advocate if I may serve you in assuring yourself of what is yours. This also means that if my teaching strategies give you cause for discomfort or confusion, please come and speak me.  I promise to listen respectfully and to strive to come to a mutually agreed-upon response.
Speeches are your chance to improve your final grade—and master a new and invigorating skill.  Each student who can memorize twenty+ full lines of Shakespeare with fewer than five mistakes will have their final grade improved by one increment.  Passages must be approved by instructor in advance.
Attendance is required for all class meetings.  Tardiness is counted as an absence, as is coming to class unprepared.  More than three absences (for whatever reason; I do not determine the value of your absence) will result in a lowered final grade.
Along with Preparation, Participation is your go-to means of succeeding in the class.  To be prepared is to arrive early or on time, to have your book open and a writing pad and pen ready; to participate is to have read and considered the text; to initiate class discussion with claims, questions, and shared observations; to take notes that record the whole class conversation.
Students with special needs must inform the instructor in the first week of classes and he will make all reasonable accommodations.

Office Hours exist to aid students in progressing in the course.  Come see me to discuss the readings, the papers, the class proceedings.  Student who use office hours do better than if they did not; it’s just that simple.  MWF 10-11, 12-1; TR 8:30-9:30, 11-1.  I am not always in my office at these times, so please check with me beforehand.  I am also available by appointment. OM312b.  You may email me or leave a voice mail, but I cannot promise to respond before the next class meeting.  360-438-4336; smead@stmartin.edu

Shakespeare 2018

Shakespeare:  Love and the Ordered Society ENG341
Professor Mead                 Spring 2018
Dear Students:  Because many studies have demonstrated that we learn more and better by handwriting notes, this class has a no-device policy.  Do not use or put your laptops on the desk.  Phones, tablets, etc. must be in your pockets or bags with the sound turned off. Please obtain a notebook to use exclusively with this class.  I will occasionally peruse your notebook to assist your learning.
Like many great writers, Shakespeare explored the tensions, connections, and distinctions between personal relationships (romantic love, platonic love, friendship, loyalty, regard, respect) and the common weal (the community, the state, the family, the church).  Early modern thinkers commonly paralleled the head of a household with the head of state.  Shakespeare’s world inherited from the middle ages the notion that people are inherently loving creatures, but that one’s love is always subject to disorder, negativity, or illusion.  Love is also a strong expression of the individual will, which can often come into conflict with the larger, common good.  Conversely, the state might best pursue its goal of order by embracing, insofar as a corporation can, the personal values of compassion, loyalty, and regard for the state’s subjects.
In this class we will read several plays by Shakespeare that deal most directly with the issue of love and government and that relate most effectively to our twenty-first century concerns about order and individual freedoms.  A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, Measure for Measure, Merchant of Venice, Macbeth. Othello, and Antony & Cleopatra all deal with characters who have public responsibilities and personal, sometimes private, passions. Often, these plays offer us comparisons:  the romance of Theseus and Hippolyta in contrast to the passions of the young aristocrats (MND); the questionable moral status of Claudio vs. that of Angelo (MM); the filial loyalty of Portia and Jessica (MV); the families of Macbeth and Macduff; the bloodless Octavius and the passionate Antony—for starters!
Our job will be to read these plays deeply and to try to uncover patterns, suggestions, deliberate contradictions, and maybe even pronouncements that Shakespeare offers to his audience in this area.  Questions we may want to ask could include the following:  Can a bad lover be a good ruler?  Can an attentive spouse be a bad ruler?   Can a state be run like a family? Does the state have a responsibility to encourage, demand, require moral behavior?  Is personal freedom more important than public order?  Is the individual a good model for the state? Is a well-ordered state a good model for a healthy individual?  Can theatre usefully model the public good? In what specific ways does gender enforce or complicate public rule and individual desire—and their performance on the theatrical stage?  I hope you as students will construct many more and better questions than these!
Outcomes you can expect if you are conscientious in reading, writing, office visiting, and participating include
A greater ability to be aware of multiple dynamics in a text
A stronger internal editor when revising
A deeper sensitivity to nuance
A heightened ability to listen to others and integrate their ideas into your literary imagination
A familiarity with the dual nature of drama as both text and performance
A surer confidence in your personal ability to reason, create, and express
A clear sense of all learning as a collaborative act.
Classroom Behavior for the Most Productive Learning:
Arrive before the hour.  Have a notebook, writing instrument,
and text on your desk.
A cup of coffee or a water container is appropriate. A meal is not.
Use the facilities before or after class, not during
(we’ve only 50 minutes).
Keep phones off.
Engage proactively, not reactively. Ask questions. Respond
 to other students.
Act as if you care, even if you don’t.  This is a crucial life-skill.
Reading Schedule:  Please have the entire play read by the first day of discussion.  Please have the play re-read, at the latest, by the third day of discussion. There will be a brief, factual quiz on the first day of each play.
16 T Introduction.  Speeches.
18 R A Midsummer Night’s Dream
23 T A Midsummer Night’s Dream
25 R A Midsummer Night’s Dream
30 T A Midsummer Night’s Dream
 1 R Twelfth Night
 6 T Twelfth Night
 8 R Twelfth Night
13 T Twelfth Night
15 R The Merchant of Venice
20 T The Merchant of Venice
22 R The Merchant of Venice
27 T The Merchant of Venice
 1 R Measure for Measure
6 T Measure for Measure
 8 R Measure for Measure
20 T Measure for Measure
22 R Macbeth
27 T Macbeth
29 R Macbeth
 3 T Macbeth
 5 R Othello
10 T Othello
12 R Othello
17 T Othello
19 R Antony & Cleopatra
24 T Antony & Cleopatra
26 R Antony & Cleopatra
 1 T Antony & Cleopatra
 3 R Evaluations.  Speeches.
You have asked to be challenged by deciding to pursue a college degree.  You may not have imagined what those challenges would look like or how much time and energy you will need to put into meeting those challenges.  Please remember that I will always be asking you for your best, asking you to achieve things you have not achieved before, to manage skills you may not have been adept at before.  Why else take a class?  But please understand that behind my expectations, impelling them, is my desire that you benefit deeply from our collegial inquiry, in preparation for profession life. 
The free pursuit of knowledge is your right, as you are a member of this Benedictine community. Therefore, you can expect at college an environment free of harassment, censorship, intimidation, or retaliation.  Please consider me an advocate if I may serve you in assuring yourself of what is yours.  This also means that if my teaching strategies give you cause for discomfort or confusion, please come and speak me.  I promise to listen respectfully and to strive to come to a mutually agreed-upon response.
Speeches are your chance to improve your final grade—and master a new and invigorating skill.  Each student who can memorize twenty+ full lines of Shakespeare with fewer than five mistakes will have their final grade improved by one increment.  Passages must be approved by instructor in advance.
Attendance is required for all class meetings.  Tardiness is counted as an absence, as is coming to class unprepared.  More than three absences (for whatever reason; I do not determine the value of your absence) will result in a lowered final grade.
Along with Preparation, Participation is your go-to means of succeeding in the class.  To be prepared is to arrive early or on time, to have your book open and a writing pad and pen ready; to participate is to have read and considered the text; to initiate class discussion with claims, questions, and shared observations; to take notes that record the whole class conversation.
Students with special needs must inform the instructor in the first week of classes and he will make all reasonable accommodations.
Papers are to be submitted in a cardboard folder with at least two earlier drafts that show the process of revision (not merely editing and polishing).  Papers are to be thesis-driven and rely on close reading of carefully selected passages for methodology.  Theses must be original, provocative claims of interpretation that offer the reader new ways of understanding the text.  All paragraphs must have topic sentences that connect the paragraph with the thesis as well as make the paragraph’s main claim.  Topic sentences are never statements of fact. I encourage you to build on the previous paper, to read broadly the literature on the plays and the issues before beginning to write, and to develop the idea before concerning yourself with the organization.  HOW you organize your argument is your methodology.
Reading analytically consists of, first, familiarizing yourself with the characters and the plot.  Second, of looking up all vocabulary you might be unfamiliar with. Thirdly, of looking for patterns, parallels, juxtapositions, thematic threads.  Fourth, considering how the function of language adds to or complicates the denotative message of the passage (close reading).
Quizzes are designed to help you master the “first read” of a play: getting familiar with plot and character.  Each quiz will be ten brief questions with factual answers of a simple phrase or word.
Papers are designed to move you from response and reflection to creating and advancing provocative, interpretive ideas.  Four papers are short (2-3 pages) and will require discrete skills (close reading, character analysis, structure identification, responding to other views), all of which will be necessary for your final term paper (10-12 pages).  I encourage you to work from your previous papers as you progress through the tasks so that the term paper will be—whatever its subject—a natural growth from your earlier semester’s work.
Paper #1:  Dramatic Structure.  Choosing either MND or 12thN, construct the shape of the play.  You may choose to use analogies (e.g. “MND is shaped like a rubber band that gets stretched out and snapped.”); pictures, flow-charts, or Venn diagrams; historical parallels (e.g. “Viola’s entering Olivia’s house is like Napoleon’s army entering Moscow in the winter”) or any other comparison that seems suitable to you.  Be sure to support your thesis with canny references to the text, considerations of genre, and anticipation of the counterargument.  2-3 pages, exclusive of visuals. 10% of final grade
Paper #2: Character Analysis.  Choosing a main character from either MM or MV, write a pseudo-psychological treatise that demonstrates how your character has a split personality and how her or his actions in the play successfully or unsuccessfully address this pathology.  Be sure to use judicious interpretations of your character’s spoken words, including inferences, implications, tone, and recurrent imagery in their language. 2-3 pages. 10% of final grade
Paper #3: Close Reading.  Choose one passage, preferably a speech, of 12-30 lines from either M or O.  Interpreting word choice, tone, line breaks, rhythm, rhyme, imagery, sound effects, caesuras, enjambments, diction, and repetition, explain how this speech epitomizes one key issue of the play. 4 pages max.10% of final grade.
Paper #4: Term Paper.  Argue an interpretive claim relevant to our class theme of “Love and the Ordered Society,” being sure to include in your methodology an awareness of dramatic structure, character analysis, and close reading, PLUS integration of at least four secondary sources.  These sources are to be scholarly articles or book chapters from peer-reviewed publications no older than 1990. 10-12 pages, exclusive of Notes and Works Cited pages. You may choose to use as many as four plays (although 1-3 plays are fully acceptable), but A&C must be one of the plays.  30% of final grade.
Grades help you to gauge your progress as a college student in an upper-division class.  In general, a C grade indicates you are doing the minimum to pass the course; B indicate progress beyond expectations; A indicates truly sterling work.  On the other end, D indicates deficiency and F failure.  Please remember that you must complete all assignments to pass the class.  Late papers will be graded down.
Participation 20%
Quizzes         20%
Papers 60%
Required Text:  The Oxford Shakespeare: Complete Works. 2nd Edition.  Oxford UP.
Unless you have a reported accommodation need, you will need to use the print version.
Office Hours exist to aid students in progressing in the course.  Come see me to discuss the readings, the papers, the class proceedings.  Student who use office hours do better than if they did not; it’s just that simple.  MWF 10-11, 12-1; TR 8:30-9:30, 11-1.  I am not always in my office at these times, so please check with me beforehand.  I am also available by appointment. OM312b.  You may email me or leave a voice mail, but I cannot promise to respond before the next class meeting.  360-438-4336; smead@stmartin.edu.

25 January 2018

Homer & Herodotus, Spring 2017

World Literature: Homer & Herodotus
Secondary Texts Available on Moodle
24 T Introduction. Martin, “Utterance”
26 R The Iliad, Books 1-2 Nagy, “Multiformity” Slatkin, “Helplessness”
31 T The Iliad, Books 3-4 Austin, “Helen” Muellner “Cranes”
2 R The Iliad, Books 5-6 Morris, “2 Cities”
7 T The Iliad, Books 7-8 Bennet, “Bronze”
9 R The Iliad, Books 9-10
14 T The Iliad, Books 11-12 Morris, “Iron”
16 R The Iliad, Books 13-14 Morrell, “Disease”
21 T The Iliad, Books 15-16
23 R The Iliad, Books 17-18
28 T The Iliad, Books 19-20 Morrell, “Chaos”
2 R The Iliad, Books 21-22
7 T The Iliad, Books 23-24
9 R The Histories, Book 1. Momigliano, Bakker, Nagy, “Oral & Ancient Greek Poetry.”
14 T The Histories, Book 1. Travis. Research Paper #1 Due.
28 T The Histories, Book 2. Lloyd
30 R The Histories, Book 3. Nagy, “Charms of Tyranny.”
4 T The Histories, Book 3
11 T The Histories, Book 4. Hartog.
13 R The Histories, Book 5. Irwin.
18 T The Histories, Book 5
20 R The Histories, Book 6. Nagy, “Ainos as Song or Speech.”
25 T The Histories, Book 7. Christ.
27 R The Histories, Book 7
2 T NO CLASSES (in afternoon)
4 R The Histories, Book 8. Hornblower.
9 T The Histories, Book 9. Nagy, “Authority of Historia.”
11 R The Histories, Book 9.
15 M Research Paper #2 Due.
Students with special needs must see the professor in the first week of classes, and he will make all reasonable accommodations.
ENG395 is an advanced literature class that also satisfies the general education requirement. What does this mean? Well, to me it means that you are not expected to have read Homer or Herodotus before, but that you have read before, that you have engaged with a challenging text from a world unlike your own and have tried on some level to its meaning into your world. World Literature, in its broadest academic sense, means literature outside of the Anglo-American catalog and there for can be presented in many, many ways. This section of 385 will focus on two works from ancient Greece. The Iliad, composed by someone we call Homer, tells the story of a late-Bronze Age conflict, the cornerstone of classical Greek myth, the Trojan War. The Histories, written (yes, actually written, although probably also performed) by Herodotus, is his fifth-century telling of the Persian War, when non-Greek powers from Asia invaded the Greek peninsula in the early fifth century (all our dates are B.C.E. or if you prefer, B.C. Remember that “5th century” means the four hundreds: early fifth century is 495; late fifth century is 404). This class will call upon you to read both deeply and somewhat quickly, for we shall also be reading secondary texts; these secondary texts are available on the Moodle page in the week that more or less coincides with their reading due dates.
Although I have read and taught The Iliad dozens of times, I have never written or taught a class on both Herodotus and Homer, so in many ways we will be working through things for the first time together. I can tell you that I participated in a Herodotus seminar last summer and so was in a sense a student of this text, and that’s another similarity between this instructor and the students in this class.
So, what is our job and what is the purpose of the class? In short, you are to come to class meetings prepared (this means much more than just having read the material. It means you are ready to engage proactively with the class in analyzing and interpreting the text) to speak, listen, take notes, encourage others while also critiquing others’ ideas and in general being a fully operating member of a literary/historical think tank. The larger questions we will pursue will be to explore how Homer’s poetic work is historical and how Herodotus’ historical work is literary. Another way to put this is to say that our modern ideas of history and literature and the distinction between the two are just that—very modern. Another question we will pursue is the idea of authority. What made a work authoritative to the ancient Greeks? How did they “use” authority or works with authority? It is also my fervent hope that you will also simply enjoy these works as you might enjoy a really good movie or a vacation abroad or meeting a new and interesting person.
Ours is a small class, so the duties of class participation are intensified. This is NOT a lecture class, but a seminar, and so we will all have to be “on” most of the time.
PAPERS. Each paper should be about ten pages long, exclusive of notes and works cited. You should pursue an interpretive question through close reading, analysis, judicious use of secondary sources, and logical argumentation. You may simply want to continue the line of questions we follow in the class, but remember: your ideas in the paper must go far beyond the classroom conversation. Also, there is no need for you to use secondary sources outside of the secondary readings I have given you. You may choose to use other sources, as best suits your particular thesis, but it isn’t required.
Each paper will constitute 40% of your final grade. 20% of your final grade will be based on class participation.
Students who wish to earn extra credit (usually a boost of one or two increments to your final grade) may do so in one or both of two ways. First, you can mentor, assist, or somehow work with first-year students who are reading The Iliad (and writing a research paper) at the same time you are. You can work IN the classroom assisting me (I have two sections: MWF 9-9:50 and 11-11:50), or you can make arrangements with one or more students OUTSIDE of class to run study groups, reading sessions, peer editing activities, or the like. Depending on how much you want to put into this work, your final grade could really get hiked up. The second way to earn extra credit is to memorize and recite to the class twenty lines from Homer with fewer than five errors. Dressing up accurately and dramatically reciting the lines will further goose your extra credit. And yes, you can do both.
Office Hours. OM 312b. MWF 8-9, 10-11, and sometimes 12-1.
TR 8:30-9:30. And sometimes 11-1.
360-438-4336 smead@stmartin.edu

Letter Grade Descriptions for Papers and Class Participation

Paper Grades   A range :   clear, arguable thesis in first paragraph; clear appropriate methodology; topic sentences starting every bo...